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. 2015 May 12;6:456. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00456

Table 1.

Mean values for most abundant Cyanophyta genera, as well as several biological, chemical, and physical parameters measured from the Lake Mendota Deep Hole location between the years 1995–2010.

Pre-toxic Toxic Post-toxic K-W
Total biovolume (μm3 mL−1) 110,000 26,00,000 920,000 a, b, c
Aphanizomenon (μm3 mL−1) 85,000 17,00,000 560,000 a, b, c
Microcystis (μm3 mL−1) 4600 440,000 150,000 a, b, c
Oscillatoria (μm3 mL−1) 1100 110,000 68,000 a, b, c
Aphanothece (μm3 mL−1) 3900 100,000 17,000 a, b, c
Synechococcus (μm3 mL−1) 1900 4400 3500 a, c
Synechocystis (μm3 mL−1) 1600 1200 1700
TC (mg L−1) 52.2 45.9 50.3 a, b, c
TN (μg L−1) 1470 980 1060 a, b, c
TP (μg L−1) 110 50 110 a, b
TC:TN (by mass) 37 51 49 a, c
TC:TP (by mass) 515 1230 543 a, b
TN:TP (by mass) 15 23 12 a, b, c
DOC (mg L−1) 5.9 6.1 5.8
DIC (mg L−1) 46.4 40.1 44.2 a, b, c
N + N (μg L−1) 600 160 60 a, b, c
NH+4 (μg L−1) 210 20 340 a, b, c
DRP (μg L−1) 80 10 80 a, b
DIC:DIN (by mass) 61 1331 222 a, b, c
DIC:DRP (by mass) 808 17260 1811 a, b, c
DIN:DRP (by mass) 14 30 7 b, c
DRSi (μg L−1) 1190 1560 2000 a, b, c
Water temp (°C) 8.8 23.1 12.9 a, b, c
Dissolved oxygen (mg L−1) 12.0 8.6 9.0 a, c
pH (–log [H+]) 8.4 8.9 8.4 a, b
Secchi (m) 5.2 2.4 3.3 a, b, c
Lake number (unitless) 0.57 3.08 0.38 a, b
Wedderburn number (unitless) 1.23 5.54 1.80 a, b
Schmidt stability (J m−2) 66 537 72 a, b
u* (m s−1) 0.015 0.015 0.016
Boyancy frequency (N2, s−2) 0.001 0.005 0.002 a, b
Mixed layer depth (Zmix, m) 12.3 7.5 16.3 a, b, c

All of the data were split into three time periods (phases) based on the 2009–2011 microcystin data. The toxic phase represents the period when mean microcystin concentrations were significantly greater than 1 μg L−1 (days 170–250). Significance between the phases was tested using a Kruskal–Wallis test (K–W; p < 0.05). a, significant difference between pre-toxic and toxic phases; b, significant difference between toxic and post-toxic phases; c, ignificant difference between pre-toxic and post-toxic phases.