Effects of EcN-AvCys on epithelial barrier functions. (a) Transepithelial resistance (TER) of excised colon tissue from pigs treated with EcN (n = 8), EcN-AvCys (n = 10), and controls (n = 9) was determined in Ussing chambers at 60, 120, and 180 minutes after tissue stabilization. (b) Colon tissue as in a was excised from euthanized piglets and permeability to the 332Da tracer molecule fluorescein was determined in Ussing chambers. (c) TER across colon tissues excised from untreated, healthy piglets after exposure to either IMDM (IMDM, n = 7), EcN conditioned IMDM media (EcNSN, n = 7) or EcN-AvCys conditioned IMDM media (EcN-AvCysSN, n = 7) for 6 hours. Values are expressed as % of the initial value after tissue stabilization. (d) TER of HT-29/B6 cell monolayers exposed to either IMDM (n = 6), EcNSN(n = 6) or EcN-AvCysSN (n = 6) for 3 and 22 hours. Values are expressed as percent of the initial value after tissue stabilization. (e) Paracellular flux of fluorescein and 4 kDA dextran measured with HT-29/B6 cell monolayers in Ussing chambers after preincubation with EcNSN (n = 8), EcNAvCysSN (n = 7), or unconditioned media as a control (n = 8) for 22 hours. Mean + SEM is shown. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 (one-way or two-way ANOVA).