Fig. 4. Spinal cord stimulation and L-DOPA treatment suppresses multi-structure LFP coherence.
(A), Example of LFP coherence spectra from one of the hemilesioned animals (black trace) showing coherent oscillations restricted to the beta-band in the parkinsonian condition (arrows) that are suppressed by SCS (red trace; bold line and shaded area denote median and interquartile range, stimulation artefacts around 20 and 40Hz have been removed). (B), Connectivity diagram representing the pooled LFP coherence in the 8-15Hz range in relation to the 30-40Hz band between all pairs of electrodes in the different structures (values represent averages from all five recordings in the two hemi-lesioned animals; all changes in beta-to-gamma coherence for SCS ON/OFF are significant p<0.05, Wilcoxon rank sum test). Note that the excessive beta-band coherence, represented by the warm colors in the parkinsonian state, is effectively reduced by SCS in the same way as for L-DOPA treatment.