Memory strength is lessened, rather than features of coincidence detection modulated, in mutant flies lacking Synapsin. A, When using only one ISI for relief learning and one ISI for punishment learning, less strong scores in both relief memory and punishment memory could be a result of a lessening in strength of the associative memory (A1), a narrowed dynamic range of associative coincidence detection (A2), a broadened dynamic range (A3), a temporal delay (A4) or a temporal advance (A5), if the ISIs happened to be chosen as indicated by the arrows. We therefore decided to compare the full ISI function between synapsin+ and synapsin− mutant flies. B, Associative performance indices of wild-type synapsin+ (respective left plots) and the mutant synapsin− flies (respective right plots) for the indicated ISIs. For statistics, see body text. A gray shading of the boxes indicates p < 0.05/10 and p < 0.05/8, respectively, in comparisons to chance levels (zero). Other details as in Figure 1. C, The median PIs from B are plotted across the ISIs. The consistent lessening of scores throughout the ISI function resembles scenario A1, suggesting a lessening of associative memory in the mutant synapsin− flies.