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. 2015 Apr 20;33(15):1653–1659. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2014.58.4508

Table A1.

Demographic and Clinical Variables by Completion Status

Characteristic Dropped Out (n = 52)
Completed (n = 146)
No. % No. %
Age, years
    Median 55 55
    Range 19 to 83 20 to 84
    ≥ 50 32 62 87 60
Months since diagnosis
    Median 34.8 39.7
    Range 8.8 to 228.0 7.3 to 423.2
    ≥ 36 26 50 80 55
BMI, kg/m2
    Median 28.5 27.1
    Range 17.7 to 38.9 17.3 to 49.4
    < 25 (underweight to normal) 14 27 50 34
    25 to 30 (overweight) 19 37 48 33
    ≥ 30 (obese) 19 37 48 33
    WBI, WFU 4 8 16 11
    WBI, CCOP 20 38 40 27
    PBI, WFU 14 27 46 32
    PBI, CCOP 14 27 44 30
ECOG performance status
    0 22 42 72 49
    1 25 48 69 47
    2 5 10 5 3
    Female 33 63 73 50
    Male 19 37 73 50
    Hispanic 0 0 1 1
    Asian 1 2 0 0
    Black 5 10 11 8
    White 46 88 90 91
Marital status*
    Single 9 18 13 9
    Married or married-like 34 67 105 72
    Separated, divorced, or widowed 8 16 28 19
Education* .006
    ≤ High school 24 48 38 26
    Vocational or some college 19 38 60 41
    ≥ College graduate 7 14 47 32
Income, US$* .019
    < 20,000 23 51 42 34
    20,000 to 50,000 17 38 41 34
    ≥ 50,000 5 11 39 32
Work outside home* 14 27 45 31
    Primary brain tumor 31 60 99 68
    Brain metastasis 15 29 38 26
    PCI 6 12 9 6
Primary tumor type n = 31 n = 99
    Glioblastoma multiforme 4 13 19 19
    Anaplastic astrocytoma 3 10 11 11
    Anaplastic oligodendroglioma 6 19 10 10
    Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma 1 3 2 2
    Anaplastic ependymoma 2 6 2 2
    Anaplastic mixed glioma 0 0 1 1
    Low-grade astrocytoma 1 3 5 5
    Low-grade oligodendroglioma 0 0 13 13
    Low-grade oligoastrocytoma 0 0 1 1
    Meningioma 7 23 15 15
    Pilocycstic astrocytoma 2 6 4 4
    Other 5 16 16 16
Metastasis site n = 21 n = 47
    Lung 11 52 29 62
    Breast 8 38 8 17
    Other or unknown 2 10 10 21
Brain volume, cm3*
    Median 1,086 1,144
    Range 865 to 1,382 901 to 1,624
    ≥ 1,200 8 16 44 31
CSF volume, cm3*
    Median 213 206
    Range 122 to 315 101 to 376
    ≥ 200 27 53 75 53
Brain or intracranial volume, %* .012 (continuous); .035 (dichotomous)
    Median 83.4 84.5
    Range 78.1 to 89.5 74.8 to 92.0
Lesion or resection volume, cm3*
    0 7 14 16 11
    < 15 36 71 87 61
    ≥ 15 8 16 40 28
Hippocampus involvement* 10 19 13 9 .048
    Frontal 16 36 46 35
    Parietal 4 9 24 18
    Occipital 5 11 6 5
    Temporal 6 13 27 21
    Basal ganglia 4 9 11 8
    Cerebellum 7 16 10 8
    Brainstem or spinal cord 3 7 6 5

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CCOP, community clinical oncology program; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; PBI, partial-brain irradiation; PCI, prophylactic cranial irradiation; WBI, whole-brain irradiation; WFU, Wake Forest University.


Some missing data.