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. 2014 Aug 16;63(9):3047–3056. doi: 10.2337/db13-1366

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Diabetic and WT Lin/CD45/Sca-1+ cells are mobilized from the bone marrow in response to peripheral ischemia. A: Bone marrow isolated from STZ-induced diabetic mice had significantly fewer Lin/CD45/Sca-1+ cells compared with normal animals at baseline. B: Peripheral blood isolated from WT mice showed an increase in the number of circulating Lin/CD45/Sca-1+ cells 7 days after surgery. Diabetic mice, in contrast, exhibited an attenuated response to peripheral ischemic insult. C: Baseline levels of Lin/CD45/Sca-1+ cells from the bone marrow of normal, db/db mice, STZ diabetic mice, and STZ mice after 6 months of treatment with an insulin pellet. Hyperglycemic control failed to normalize levels of Lin/CD45/Sca-1+ cells. Inset: STZ diabetic mice had insulin pellets implanted at day zero, and their glucose was monitored for 6 months, throughout which normoglycemic levels were maintained. *P < 0.05 vs. WT group.