Figure 5. The Lys208 mutant is proton selective.
Measured values of Vrev at ΔpH –1.0, 0, or 1.0 (mean ± SEM, n = 3, 9, or 6, respectively), with pHo ranging 5.5 to 7.0 and pHi ranging 5.5 to 8.0. The linear regression slope was 53.3 mV/unit ΔpH, compared with the Nernst value of 58.4 mV. Inset: Proton currents in an inside out patch during pulses applied in 5 mV increments (left) indicate reversal between 0 and 5 mV (the conductance activated negative to Vrev) at pHi 7.0, with pHo 7.0 (in the pipette). Tail currents in the same patch at pHi 6.0 indicate reversal at –58 mV. Both values are near the Nernst predictions of 0 mV and –58.4 mV.