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. 2015 May 14;46(1):52. doi: 10.1186/s13567-015-0182-3

Table 1.

Antibody panels

Antigen Clone Isotype Fluorochrome Labeling strategy Source of primary Ab
Ex vivo Ki-67/CD4 + T cells
CD3 PPT3 IgG1 PE secondary antibodya in house
CD4 74-12-4 IgG2b Alexa488 secondary antibodyb in house
CD8α 11/295/33 IgG2a PE-Cy7 secondary antibodyc in house
CD27 b30c7 IgG1 Alexa647 directly conjugatedd in house
CD45RC 3a56 IgG1 PerCP-Cy5.5 directly conjugatede in house
SLA-DR MSA3 IgG2a Qdot605 directly conjugated in housef
Ki-67 B56 IgG1 V450 directly conjugated BD Biosciences
Ex vivo Ki-67/CD8β + T cells
CD3 PPT3 IgG1 PE secondary antibodya in house
CD8β PG164A IgG2a Alexa488 Zenon labeling kitg VMRD
CD27 b30c7 IgG1 Alexa647 directly conjugatedd in house
SLA-DR MSA3 IgG2a Qdot605 directly conjugated in housef
Perforin δ-G9 IgG2b PerCP-eFluor710 directly conjugated eBioscience
Ki-67 B56 IgG1 V450 directly conjugated BD Biosciences
Triple cytokine staining/CD4 + T cells
CD4 74-12-4 IgG2b Alexa488 secondary antibodyb in house
CD8α 11/295/33 IgG2a PE-Cy7 secondary antibodyc in house
CD27 b30c7 IgG1 BV421 biotin-streptavidinh in house
IFN-γ P2G10 IgG1 PE directly conjugated BD Biosciences
TNF-α MAb11 IgG1 BV605 directly conjugated BioLegend
IL-2 A150D3F1 IgG2a APC directly conjugatedi Life Technologies
Triple cytokine staining/CD8β + T cells
CD3 BB23-8E6-8C8 IgG2a PE-Cy7 directly conjugated BD Biosciences
CD8β PG164A IgG2a Alexa488 Zenon labeling kitg VMRD
CD27 b30c7 IgG1 BV421 biotin-streptavidinh in house
IFN-γ P2G10 IgG1 PE directly conjugated BD Biosciences
TNF-α MAb11 IgG1 BV605 directly conjugated BioLegend
IL-2 A150D3F1 IgG2a APC directly conjugatedi Life Technologies
In vitro expanded CD8β + T cells
CD4 74-12-4 IgG2b PerCP-Cy5.5 directly conjugated BD Biosciences
CD8β PG164A IgG2a Alexa488 secondary antibodyj VMRD
CD107a 4E9/11 IgG1 Alexa647 directly conjugated AbD Serotec
Pan-γδ PPT16 IgG2b PE-Cy7 biotin-streptavidink in house
IFN-γ P2G10 IgG1 PE directly conjugated BD Biosciences
TNF-α MAb11 IgG1 BV605 directly conjugated BioLegend

aGoat anti-Mouse IgG1-PE, Southern Biotech.

bGoat anti-Mouse IgG2b-Alexa488, Life Technologies.

cGoat anti-Mouse IgG2a-PE-Cy7, Southern Biotech.

dAlexa Fluor-647 Protein Labeling Kit, Life Technologies.

eLightning-Link™ PerCP-Cy5.5 Tandem Conjugation Kit, Innova Biosciences.

fCustom conjugation by Life Technologies.

gIgG2a-Alexa488 Zenon labeling kit, Life Technologies.

hStreptavidin-BV421, BioLegend.

iLightning-Link™ APC Conjugation Kit, Innova Biosciences.

jGoat anti-Mouse IgG2a-Alexa488, Life Technologies.

kStreptavidin-PE-Cy7, eBioscience.