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. 2015 May 1;6:23. doi: 10.1186/s13326-015-0016-2

Table 1.

Class table

Meta-level class Description Example subclasses or Instances (in italics) Instances
Vaccine A class description to categorize vaccines documented by the CDC’s VIS documentation AlternateVaccine 9
Target Provides class specification for virus, bacteria, diseases, etc. that are prevented by Vaccine Disease Virus, SeriousDisease, Bacteria 12
People Categorizes various types of patients or groups of individuals impacted by vaccines, diseases, reactions, and other health conditions PeopleWithCondition, Infants, PeopleWithIllness, PeopleWithModerateIllness, PeopleOfAge, Children, Adults 93
Source Used to describe an origin of a vaccine’s target (bacteria, disease). Can be reused in relations with other classes. bacteria, Hepatitis B virus 5
Channel Class of medium of travel for vaccine targets. PeopleChannel, ObjectChannel, PeopleWithConditionChannel, DermalChannel, HumanActivityChannel, FluidChannel s 19
Cause For a description of a condition as a result of a vaccine target. E.g. infection, coughing spells. ear infection, long-term illness, coughing spells, pneumonia 39
Location Type to categorize location, specifically area of the body, affected by a heath condition or reaction FacialLocation, ThroatLocation, ArmLocation 14
Probability Classification for types of probabilities enumerated in VIS documents QualitativeProbability, QuantitativeProbability, ProbabilityInCases 38
Outcome Types of effects resulting from causation, reactions, or chain of outcomes. RareOutcome, AdultOutcome, ChildOutcome, FatalOutcome 38
Duration Used for various types of descriptions for qualitative length of time for effects of health conditions or signs of conditions. DurationInMinutes, DurationInWeeks 5
Substance Classification of kinds of substance for vaccines and possibly other class groupings. LiquidSubstance, GaseousSubstance, SolidSubstance 1
Combination For various artifacts that interact with vaccines. SafeCombination, DangerousCombination 1
Method Groups and classifies inoculation methods for vaccines. InhaleMethod, InjectionMethod, OralMethod 1
NumberOfDoses Enumerates the maximum number of doses for vaccine. OptionalNumberOfDoses 6
Dosage Designates the types of dose or the dose interval. E.g. 1st Dose, 3rd Dose. OptionalDose, DoseIntervals 23
Component Categorizes types of elements of a vaccine. ViralComponent, NoninfectiousViralComponent 3
Age Enumerates the type of quantitative classification of age ? years, months, weeks, etc. AgeInMonths, AgeInYears 25
Date Enumerates the types of quantitative classification of date ? days, months, weeks, etc. DateInYears, DateInMonths, DateInDays 4
Occurrence Classification of types of events VaccinatedOccurence, TimedOccurence 24
Action Types of patient recourse in response to reactions or actions required vaccine patients before inoculation. InactiveAction, ActiveAction, EmergencyAction 8
Allergen For classes of substances leading to an allergic reaction. VaccineAllergen, VaccineComponentAllergen 7
Reaction Used to categorizes types of reactions that may result from vaccination. MildReaction, TemporaryReaction, SeriousReaction, ModerateReaction, AdultReaction 71
Sign Class of indicators for vaccine reaction effects. fast heartbeat, crying, stomach pain, hives 14
Total instances of classes 460