Table 1.
Class table
Meta-level class | Description | Example subclasses or Instances (in italics) | Instances |
Vaccine | A class description to categorize vaccines documented by the CDC’s VIS documentation | AlternateVaccine | 9 |
Target | Provides class specification for virus, bacteria, diseases, etc. that are prevented by Vaccine Disease | Virus, SeriousDisease, Bacteria | 12 |
People | Categorizes various types of patients or groups of individuals impacted by vaccines, diseases, reactions, and other health conditions | PeopleWithCondition, Infants, PeopleWithIllness, PeopleWithModerateIllness, PeopleOfAge, Children, Adults | 93 |
Source | Used to describe an origin of a vaccine’s target (bacteria, disease). Can be reused in relations with other classes. | bacteria, Hepatitis B virus | 5 |
Channel | Class of medium of travel for vaccine targets. | PeopleChannel, ObjectChannel, PeopleWithConditionChannel, DermalChannel, HumanActivityChannel, FluidChannel s | 19 |
Cause | For a description of a condition as a result of a vaccine target. E.g. infection, coughing spells. | ear infection, long-term illness, coughing spells, pneumonia | 39 |
Location | Type to categorize location, specifically area of the body, affected by a heath condition or reaction | FacialLocation, ThroatLocation, ArmLocation | 14 |
Probability | Classification for types of probabilities enumerated in VIS documents | QualitativeProbability, QuantitativeProbability, ProbabilityInCases | 38 |
Outcome | Types of effects resulting from causation, reactions, or chain of outcomes. | RareOutcome, AdultOutcome, ChildOutcome, FatalOutcome | 38 |
Duration | Used for various types of descriptions for qualitative length of time for effects of health conditions or signs of conditions. | DurationInMinutes, DurationInWeeks | 5 |
Substance | Classification of kinds of substance for vaccines and possibly other class groupings. | LiquidSubstance, GaseousSubstance, SolidSubstance | 1 |
Combination | For various artifacts that interact with vaccines. | SafeCombination, DangerousCombination | 1 |
Method | Groups and classifies inoculation methods for vaccines. | InhaleMethod, InjectionMethod, OralMethod | 1 |
NumberOfDoses | Enumerates the maximum number of doses for vaccine. | OptionalNumberOfDoses | 6 |
Dosage | Designates the types of dose or the dose interval. E.g. 1st Dose, 3rd Dose. | OptionalDose, DoseIntervals | 23 |
Component | Categorizes types of elements of a vaccine. | ViralComponent, NoninfectiousViralComponent | 3 |
Age | Enumerates the type of quantitative classification of age ? years, months, weeks, etc. | AgeInMonths, AgeInYears | 25 |
Date | Enumerates the types of quantitative classification of date ? days, months, weeks, etc. | DateInYears, DateInMonths, DateInDays | 4 |
Occurrence | Classification of types of events | VaccinatedOccurence, TimedOccurence | 24 |
Action | Types of patient recourse in response to reactions or actions required vaccine patients before inoculation. | InactiveAction, ActiveAction, EmergencyAction | 8 |
Allergen | For classes of substances leading to an allergic reaction. | VaccineAllergen, VaccineComponentAllergen | 7 |
Reaction | Used to categorizes types of reactions that may result from vaccination. | MildReaction, TemporaryReaction, SeriousReaction, ModerateReaction, AdultReaction | 71 |
Sign | Class of indicators for vaccine reaction effects. | fast heartbeat, crying, stomach pain, hives | 14 |
Total instances of classes | 460 |