Figure 4.
GAM regression of breast correlations as a function of absolute distance to the closest TSS. (A) GAM regression of Fisher's Z-Transformed Spearman's Correlations vs. absolute TSS distance. The blue and the red lines are the regressions of correlations in cancer and normal breast, respectively. Dark gray areas indicate 95% CI. Turquoise and light green dots are Z-correlations in cancer and normal breast, respectively. (B) Same as the previous section but focused in the 5000 bp region from the closest TSS. (C) GAM regression of DCGs with lower correlations in cancer than in normal breast. The blue and red regression lines correspond to normal and cancer breast, respectively. Pink dots indicate Spearman's correlation Z-scores in normal breast. (D) Same as in the previous section for those DCGs with higher correlations in cancer than in normal breast.