Fig. 5.
Effect of A1 and PIK-93 on the agonist-induced internalization of AT1-R in HEK293 cells. HEK293 cells were transfected with the plasmids of the AT1-R–Rluc and Rab5-YFP proteins, and after 24 hours, the experiments were carried out. Cells were pretreated (pretr) for 10 minutes with vehicle (veh) BRET medium (black-filled symbols) or BRET medium supplemented with 10 nM A1 (black open squares) or 250 nM PIK-93 (gray open triangles) and exposed to either vehicle (dashed line), 100 nM AngII (A), 1 μM TRV120023 (TRV3) (B), or 10 μM AngIV (C) at the indicated time points. The BRET curves are the average of three independent experiments, each performed in triplicate. Mean values ± S.E.M. are shown (n = 3). Stim, stimulation.