Demonstration of transfer of the PaLoc. The left panel represents the C. difficile 630 genome. The outer circle represents the C. difficile genome the green bands on the second circle represent 10 kb fragments around the 630 genome that contain snips and indels that differentiate the 630 donor genome from the CD37 recipient genome; the dark blue fragments on the third circle represents the location of CTns the red fragment on the third circle represent the location of the PaLoc, the purple fragments on the third circle represent the location of prophage. The fourth to the tenth circle represent CD37 transconjugants containing the PaLoc, transferred fragments are shown by coloured lines, transferred CTns and PaLocs are shown. The right hand panel shows the region containing the PaLoc in more detail. (for more details see reference [47]). Figure reproduced from; Brouwer MS, Roberts AP, Hussain H, Williams RJ, Allan E, Mullany P. (2013). Horizontal gene transfer converts non-toxigenic Clostridium difficile strains into toxin producers. Nature Communications. 4, 2601.