Figure 2.
The circadian behavior of Sf1-Cre;Sirt1loxP/loxP mice is not altered under ad libitum feeding. Double-plotted actograms measuring light-entrainable activity, showing that under DD and ad libitum feeding, both, the Sirt1loxP/loxP (A and C) and Sf1-Cre;Sirt1loxP/loxP (B and D) feed, SD (A and B) or HF diet (C and D) show no differences in the onset of the light-entrainable activity (yellow lines). The plots show the progression of the light-entrainable activity measured as τ-value through 10 days before exposure on DD and 30 days thereafter. The genotype has no effect on the τ, acrophase, or period (see Supplemental Figure 3, A and B, ad lib) on mice feed ad libitum through the DD exposure (E) and during 30 days on DD (F). Black circles, Sirt1loxP/loxP fed SD; black triangles, Sirt1loxP/loxP feed HF diet; red circles, Sf1-Cre;Sirt1loxP/loxP fed SD; red triangles, Sf1-Cre;Sirt1loxP/loxP feed HF diet (n = 6 animals per group).