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. 2015 May 11;8:10.3402/gha.v8.26683. doi: 10.3402/gha.v8.26683

Table 3.

Multiple logistic regression of predictors of health system consequences

Felt too tired to work while on duty Paid less attention to nursing work while on duty Took sick leave when not actually sick Stayed away from work without authority Involved in a medico-legal incident Any of these

Variable OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)
Moonlighting or No
agency nursing in Yes 0.97 1.19 1.36 1.31 1.01 0.99
the past 12 months (0.79–1.19) (0.88–1.62) (0.95–1.94) (0.86–1.98) (0.63–1.62) (0.81–1.20)
Province Gauteng
Eastern Cape 0.95 0.87 1.02 1.03 1.02
(0.60–1.51) (0.59–1.28) (0.72–1.45) (0.65–1.63) (0.64–1.62)
Western Cape 0.65** 0.67** 0.84 0.54*** 0.64**
(0.49–0.85) (0.52–0.85) (0.53–1.36) (0.40–0.75) (0.49–0.83)
Free State 0.58*** 0.71* 0.44*** 0.74 0.60***
(0.42–0.78) (0.51–0.98) (0.29–0.68) (0.49–1.11) (0.45–0.80)
Sex Male
Female 0.78 0.76
(0.50–1.21) (0.47–1.23)
Age group <25 years
25–34 years 1.32 1.10 0.88 1.30 1.27
(0.77–2.27) (0.63–1.91) (0.46–1.65) (0.66–2.55) (0.83–1.95)
35–44 years 0.94 0.62 0.45* 0.69 0.89
(0.55–1.61) (0.34–1.13) (0.24–0.87) (0.32–1.48) (0.57–1.39)
45–54 years 0.83 0.60 0.37* 0.71 0.81
(0.47–1.49) (0.35–1.02) (0.18–0.79) (0.31–1.60) (0.51–1.29)
55+ years 0.47* 0.45* 0.15*** 0.19* 0.46**
(0.24–0.91) (0.22–0.93) (0.06–0.38) (0.04–0.97) (0.27–0.80)
Marital status Married/living together
Single 0.95 1.21 0.93
(0.79–1.13) (0.83–1.78) (0.78–1.11)
Divorced/widowed 0.99 0.84 0.94
(0.77–1.26) (0.48–1.48) (0.74–1.20)
Any children? No
Yes 0.86 0.79 0.94 0.65 0.78
(0.63–1.16) (0.57–1.11) (0.64–1.38) (0.35–1.19) (0.58–1.03)
Sector Public
Private 0.68** 1.30* 0.49** 0.50* 1.32 0.73*
(0.53–0.89) (1.02–1.66) (0.32–0.75) (0.30–0.86) (0.79–2.21) (0.57–0.94)
Agency 0.50*** 0.79 1.27 1.40 1.56 0.50***
(0.38–0.66) (0.48–1.31) (0.80–1.99) (0.82–2.40) (0.80–3.04) (0.37–0.67)
Nursing category Professional nurse
Enrolled nurse 0.77 0.57** 0.73 0.58 0.77
(0.56–1.04) (0.39–0.83) (0.52–1.04) (0.31–1.06) (0.58–1.04)
Nursing assistant 0.52*** 0.44*** 0.71 0.50* 0.54***
(0.41–0.66) (0.30–0.65) (0.49–1.04) (0.26–0.93) (0.42–0.69)
Unit General wards
Maternity 0.63*
ICU 0.91
Theatre 0.89
Other 0.82
Years working at Less than 1 year
primary job 1–4 years 0.93 1.57* 1.82
(0.63–1.37) (1.00–2.46) (0.90–3.68)
5–9 years 1.45 2.88*** 0.95
(0.97–2.16) (1.80–4.63) (0.38–2.38)
10–14 years 1.40 2.71** 1.89
(0.89–2.20) (1.43–5.12) (0.69–5.16)
15–19 years 1.56 1.79 2.14
(0.94–2.60) (0.85–3.79) (0.80–5.76)
20 or more years 1.45 2.00 0.58
(0.89–2.37) (0.88–4.55) (0.21–1.59)
Constant 2.36** 0.38* 0.21*** 0.07*** 0.04*** 3.09***
(1.42–3.94) (0.17–0.82) (0.10–0.47) (0.03–0.21) (0.02–0.09) (2.16–4.44)
Observations 3357 3277 3281 3354 3401 3375
Model p value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

Type 1 indicators in all nurses.





