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. 2015 Jun;105(6):1098–1100. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302251


Policy Impact on Tobacco Use and Perceptions of Policies Among Students at 8 Public 4-Year Colleges and Universities in California, 2013–2014

Variable Tobacco-Free, % (No.) Smoke-Free, % (No.) Designated Outdoor Areas, % (No.) California Law Only, % (No.) P
Demographic variables
Race/ethnicity <.01
 White 24 (51) 36 (83) 19 (81) 28 (121)
 Black 5 (11) 5 (11) 4 (19) 4 (18)
 Asian 32 (68) 17 (39) 21 (91) 18 (78)
 Hispanic 33 (70) 37 (84) 45 (192) 39 (164)
 Other 7 (15) 6 (13) 11 (45) 11 (45)
Female gender 65 (141) 62 (143) 60 (258) 60 (258) .22
Tobacco use
Past 30 d smoking 10 (21) 11 (11) 19 (81) 12 (50) .002
I have seen someone smoking on campusa 55 (119) 68 (156) 79 (337) 95 (407) <.01
Exposed to secondhand smokeb 38 (83) 51 (117) 68 (292) 81 (349) <.01
Intend to smoke a cigarette (even a puff) in the next 6 mo on campusc .02
 Very or somewhat likely 3 (6) 9 (20) 12 (51) 9 (37)
 Very or somewhat unlikely 97 (212) 91 (209) 88 (379) 91 (393)
Perceptions regarding tobacco policies
Regulation of smoking on outdoor places is a good thingd .04
 Strongly agree or agree 77 (167) 67 (154) 67 (289) 71 (299)
 Neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree 23 (49) 33 (76) 33 (141) 30 (125)

Student exposure to individuals smoking on campus was assessed with the question, “In the past 7 days, I have seen someone smoking on campus. (yes/no).”


Student secondhand smoke exposure was assessed with the question, “In the past 7 days, I have been exposed to other people’s tobacco smoke on campus. (yes/no).”


Students’ intention to smoke on campus was assessed with the statement, “I intend to smoke a cigarette (even a puff) in the next 6 months on campus. (very likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, very unlikely).” Students responding “very likely” or “somewhat likely” were classified as intending to smoke on campus.


Student support was assessed with the question, “Regulation of smoking in outdoor places is a good thing. (strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree).” Responses of “strongly agree” or “agree” were combined to indicate support of policy.