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. 2015 May 12;5(5):e007220. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007220

Table 3.

Characteristics related with HIV testing

HIV testing N (%) Missing
Previous HIV testing (n=2183) 168
 Yes 1650 (81.9)
 No 354 (17.6)
 Did not know 11 (0.5)
 Rather not say 0 (0.0)
Number of previous tests, median (P25-P75) 3 (2–6) 31
Place of last HIV test (n=1650) 2
 Public network of VCT centres (CAD) 506 (30.7)
 Family doctor (National health service) 311 (18.9)
 Public hospital (National health service) 182 (11.0)
 Abroad 152 (9.2)
 Private laboratory 150 (9.1)
 Private hospital or clinic 144 (8.7)
 CheckpointLX 79 (4.8)
 Blood donation 45 (2.7)
 Mobile unit 28 (1.7)
 Other 49 (3.0)
 Did not know 2 (0.1)
Reasons for index test (n=2183)*
 To check health status/routine 1736 (81.3) 49
 Perception of HIV exposure more than 3 months before 1084 (50.5) 38
 Perception of HIV exposure in the previous 3 months 884 (40.7) 9
 Accident with condom use (rupture/left inside) 183 (8.6) 56
 My partner asked me to test for HIV 158 (7.4) 57
 To stop using condom with my partner 149 (7.0) 64
 Partner diagnosed HIV+/disclosed HIV+ status 138 (6.5) 56
 Possible window period by the time of the last test 136 (6.4) 61
 Symptoms/medical indication 58 (2.7) 61
 Other reason 159 (7.3)

*Percentage of participants that answered ‘yes’ at each option after excluding missing answers. The remaining participants answered no, did not know or rather not say.

CAD, Centro de Aconselhamento e Deteção Precoce do VIH; VCT, voluntary counselling and testing.