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. 2015 May 11;5(5):e007447. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007447

Table 2.

The performance of classifying wear and non-wear events for children versus adults

Method CR (95% CI) Sensitivity (95% CI) Specificity (95% CI) PPV (95% CI) NPV (95% CI)
Children (5–16 years)
 The proposed CTA method 0.96 (0.95 to 0.98) 0.96 (0.93 to 0.99) 0.94 (0.91 to 0.97) 0.79 (0.70 to 0.89) 0. 97 (0.93 to 1.00)
 The temperature alone 0.73 (0.64 to 0.82) 0.96 (0.93 to 0.99) 0.64 (0.59 to 0.69) 0.45 (0.24 to 0.67) 0.97 (0.93 to 1.00)
 The acceleration alone 0.79 (0.65 to 0.92) 0.73 (0.55 to 0.92) 0.89 (0.85 to 0.94) 0.69 (0.60 to 0.79) 0.75 (0.55 to 0.95)
Adults (≥17 years)
 The proposed CTA method 0.93 (0.88 to 0.98) 0.90 (0.82 to 0.99) 0.88 (0.82 to 0.94) 0.86 (0.78 to 0.93) 0.92 (0.78 to 1.00)
 The temperature alone 0.77 (0.64 to 0.9) 0.90 (0.82 to 0.99) 0.65 (0.55 to 0.75) 0.63 (0.37 to 0.9) 0.92 (0.79 to 1.00)
 The acceleration alone 0.83 (0.70 to 0.96) 0.80 (0.65 to 0.97) 0.89 (0.79 to 0.99) 0.83 (0.70 to 0.95) 0.74 (0.51 to 0. 97)

CR, classification rate; CTA, combining temperature and acceleration; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.