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. 2015 Feb 19;93(4):271–278. doi: 10.2471/BLT.14.141069

Table 3. Health indicator rankings before and during the implementation of the United Republic of Tanzania’s national plan for 2009–2015.

Health indicator Before implementation of plan
Middle of plan’s implementation
Year Valuea Median for 10 countriesb United Republic of Tanzania’s rankc Year Valuea Median for 10 countriesb United Republic of Tanzania’s rankc
Gross national income per capita, PPP international dollars 2008 1370 880 3 2012 1650 1240 3
Total health expenditure per capita, PPP international dollars 2008 68 65 5 2011 107 77 3
Health workforce, health professionals per 10 000 population NA NA NA NA 2012 5.9 7.5 5d
Mortality rate among children younger than five years, deaths per 1000 live births 2005 90 114 1 2012 55 83 1
Maternal mortality ratio, maternal deaths per 100 000 live births 2005 650 698 4 2012 454 523 2
Stunting among children younger than five years, % 2005 38 47 4 2011 42 43 5
Family planning, % of married women with demand satisfied 2005 52 52 5 2011 61 64 6
Skilled birth attendance, % of births 2005 44 43 5 2011 49 59 8
Third dose of diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis–Hib for children, % coverage 2008 86 85 5 2012 92 78 4
Tuberculosis treatment
success rate, %
2008 88 87 2 2012 90 86 1
Antiretroviral coverage, % NA NA NA NA 2012 65 64 5

Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b; NA: not available; PPP: parity purchasing power.

a Not including Zanzibar.

b Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

c United Republic of Tanzania’s position among the total 11 countries.

d The relevant data were only available for eight of the 11 countries included in the comparison.

Data sources: World Health Organization,18 the Global Health Observatory database22 and Demographic and Health Surveys.23