Fig. 2.
Tryptophan and Tyrosine pathway metabolites. Blue shaded boxes are compounds quantitated by the LCECA platform in this study. I3AA indole-3-lactic acid, 3-OHAN 3-hydroxyanthranillic acid, KYN kynurenine, 3-OHKY 3-Hydroxykynurenine, 5-HTP 5-hydroxytryptophan, NA5HT N-acetyl serotonin, 5-HIAA 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid, HVA homovanillic acid, 4HPLA 4-hydroxyphenyllactic acid, 4HBAC 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, HGA homogentisic acid, MHPG methoxy-hydroxyphenly glycol, ANA anthranilic acid, NE norepinephrine, L-DOPA levo dopa, DOPAC 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, MAOA Monoamine oxidase A