Figure 6.
Semi-quantitative real time PCR gel image representing relative transcript level of sesquiterpene synthases present at interface of heartwood and sapwood, A) 18S rRNA semi-qPCR for 30 cycle, Lane 1: undiluted cDNA, Lane 2: 1:5 diluted cDNA (20 ng), Lane 3: 1:10 diluted cDNA (10 ng), B) SaFDS, SaSS, SaSQS1, SaSQS2, and SaBS semi- qPCR with 1:5 diluted cDNA (20 ng) for 32 cycle, Lane 1: semi-qPCR of SaFDS, Lane 2: semi-qPCR of SaSS, Lane 3: semi-qPCR of SaSQS1, Lane 4: semi-qPCR of SaSQS2, Lane 5: semi-qPCR of SaBS.