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. 2015 May 15;6:104. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2015.00104

Table 1.

Reported drug response in epileptic encephalopathy due to SCN8A mutations.

Amino acid substitution Channel domain Effect on function Effective treatment Seizure response Reference
p.Val216Asp DIS3-4 VPA Seizure control (23)
p.Leu407Phe DIS6 CBZ 75% reduction (53)
p.Phe846Ser DIIS4 PHT, LTG, PB KD, VNS Temporarily effective (53)
p.Ala890Thr DIIS5 VPA Seizure control (25, 53)
p.Asn984Lys Near DIIS6 GOF PHT, ZNS, PB LEV, CLB Seizure control (24)
p.Ile1327Val DIIIS4-5 High PHT Temporarily effective (27)
p.Gly1451Ser DIIIS6 LOF CBZ Seizure control (24)
p.Asn1466Lys Inactivation gate PHT, TPM, GBP, ACTH, MDL, LD Temporarily effective (23)
p.Asn1466Thr Inactivation gate TPM, LEV Seizure control (23)
p.Val1592Leu DIVS3 OXC Seizure control (25)
p.Ser1596Cys DIVS3 OXC, LTG, PB, LEV 75% reduction (53)
p.Ile1605Arg DIVS3 CBZ Seizure control (25)
p.Arg1617Gln DIVS4 CBZ Temp. effective (23, 53)
OXC Seizure control
p.Ala1650Thr DIVS4-5 CBZ, TPM Seizure control (23)
p.Asn1768Asp DIVS6 GOF VPA, LTG, CLB Temporarily effective (15)
p.Arg1872Trp C-term TPM, LCM, LEV, VGB, KD Febrile breakthrough (23)

ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; CBZ, carbamazepine; CLB, clobazam; GBP, gabapentin; KD, ketogenic diet; LCM, lacosamide; LD, lidocaine; LEV, levetiracetam; LTG, lamotrigine; MDL, midazolam; OXC, oxcarbazepine; PB, phenobarbital; PHT, phenytoin; TPM, topiramate; VGB, vigabatrin; VNS, vagal nerve stimulator; VPA, valproic acid; ZNS, zonisamide. Drugs classified as sodium channel blockers are indicated in bold.