Table 1.
One- and Two-Factor Solutions for the Game Addiction Scale
Two-factor solution | |||
How often during the last six months … (Hvor ofte i løpet av de siste seks månedene…) | One-factor solution | Factor 1 (peripheral criteria) | Factor 2 (core criteria) |
1. Did you think about playing a game all day long? (Tenkte du på spill hele dagen?) | × | × | |
2. Did you spend increasing amounts of time on games? (Brukte du mer og mer tid på spill?) | × | × | |
3. Did you play games to forget about real life? (Begynte du å spille for å slippe å tenke på andre ting?) | × | × | |
4. Have others unsuccessfully tried to reduce your game use? (Spilte du videre, selv om andre ba deg stoppe?) | × | × | |
5. Have you felt bad when you were unable to play? (Følte du deg dårlig når du ikke kunne spille eller ikke fikk lov til å spille?) | × | × | |
6. Did you have fights with others over your time spent on games? (Havnet du i krangel med andre (f.eks. foreldre, venner, eller viktige andre) fordi du spilte for mye?) | × | × | |
7. Have you neglected other important activities to play games? (Lot du være å gjøre andre aktiviteter (f.eks. skole, jobb, lekser, idrett, hobbyer) for å spille?) | × | × |
Norwegian translations of the items are given in parentheses.