Figure 5.
Effect of siRNAGAPDH on the expression levels of GAPDH mRNA. 5 × 105 A20 cells were treated with A20-36-9R peptide in absence (control) or presence of siRNAGAPDH. 48 hours post-treatment, total RNA was extracted and analysed by qRT-PCR to evaluate the GAPDH mRNA expression relative to β-actin. A. Lanes: C, control; 1, A20-36-9R; 2, A20-36-9R-siRNAGAPDH; 3, A20-36-9R-siRNASCR. B. Lanes: C, control; 4, RND-9R; 5, RND-9R-siRNAGAPDH; 6, RND-9R-siRNASCR. C. Lanes: C, control; 7, siRNAGAPDH; 8, siRNASCR. Values of mean ± SD (n = 3) are shown.