Fish found in the ocean (top panel) and two contrasting freshwater lake types having distinct phenotypic optima for stickleback: lakes with the predatory and competitive sculpin, such as Paq and Graham Lakes (middle); and lakes that lack sculpin, such as Cranby and Hoggan Lakes (bottom). Data from Ingram et al. (2012) were used to measure the 54 landmark traits and one metric trait, pelvic spine length, on 25 specimens from freshwater stickleback populations in lakes with (n= 5 lakes) and without (n= 9) prickly sculpin. Three marine populations were also sampled, one of which was represented by two separate samples, one from the wild and the other from a population reared in freshwater ponds on the campus of the University of British Columbia (Pritchard and Schluter 2001). The first principal component accounted for over 75% of the variation among all population means. Analysis of traits was carried out in R 2.6.0.