Figure 3. Diminished acetate- and butyrate-producing bacteria in SHR.
A. Most enriched and depleted genera in the SHR versus WKY. Miseq reads of bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA were analyzed and assigned to specific genera based on the sequence similarities to Silva non-redundant 16S reference database. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) along with effect size measurements was applied to present the enriched bacterial genera in SHR (red) and WKY (green). B. The relative proportions of acetate, butyrate and lactate producing bacteria in the gut microbiota in WKY (n=5) and SHR (n=6). Sequence reads were classified according to the primary end product of the assigned bacterial genera. Genera were classified into more than one group correspondingly if they were defined as producers of multiple metabolites. Genera that were defined as producing equol, histamine, hydrogen and propionate constituted a minor portion of the population and were therefore excluded from this analysis. Results were compared by student’s t-test; *p<0.05; ***p<0.001.