Figure 2. Treatment of Cx50 expressing HeLa cells with either a PI3K or an Akt inhibitor decreased levels of activated Akt protein.
Stably transfected Cx50 HeLa cells were treated with PIK-75, Akti, or vehicle for 24 hours then lysed in SDS buffer and ran on SDS-PAGE gels. Proteins were transferred to nitrocellulose membrane and probed for p-Akt and t-Akt. Band density measurements were averages of three independent experiments. (A) PIK-75 and Akti had no effect on total Akt. (B) Both PIK-75 and Akti decreased Akt phosphorylation. DMSO was used as a vehicle for the inhibitor, and had no effect on either p-Akt or t-Akt.