Table 7.
Main effect estimates in natural metrics (computed for 1SD, −1 to 1SD, −2 to 2SD of each predictor). The estimates were based on Tables 3, 4, and 5 (Models 1), where each personality trait predicted each status attainment outcome in a separate independent regression model (i.e., 15 regression models, without intelligence controls). The main effect of SES remained unchanged across the five personality regressions (within each outcome); thus, we present the average main effect of SES across the five regressions within each outcome.
Education | Income | Prestige | |||||||
Predictor Variables | 1SD | −1 to 1 SD | −2 to 2SD | 1SD | −1 to 1 SD | −2 to 2SD | 1SD | −1 to 1 SD | −2 to 2SD |
Extraversion | 1.8 months | 3.6 months | 7.2 months | $2,419 | $4,837 | $9,674 | “mail handler” to “compositor/typesetter” | “mail handler” to “stenographer” | “mail handler” to “auctioneer” |
Agreeableness | 2 months | 4 months | 8 months | $1,209 | $2,419 | $4,838 | “mail handler” to “electric power lineman” | “mail handler” to “stenographer” | “mail handler” to “auctioneer” |
Conscientiousness | 2.7 months | 5.4 months | 10.8 months | $1,814 | $3,628 | $7,256 | “mail handler” to “receptionist” | “mail handler” to “decorator” | “mail handler” to “superintendent” |
Emotional Stability | 2 months | 4 months | 8 months | $1,814 | $3,628 | $7,256 | “mail handler” to “electric power lineman” | “mail handler” to “locomotive fireman” | “mail handler” to “legal secretary” |
Openness | 2.5 months | 5 months | 10 months | $1,209 | $2,419 | $4,838 | “mail handler” to “telegraph operator” | “mail handler” to “inspector” | “mail handler” to “salesman retail” |
SES | 8.3 months | 16.6 months | 33.1 months | $4,233 | $8,466 | $16,987 | “mail handler” to “railroad conductor” | “mail handler” to “construction inspector” | “mail handler” to “insurance agent/broker” |
Note: All effects on education are based on the assumptions that each scale point represented 2 academic years of education (i.e., 18 months). Regarding income, each unstandardized b represents percentage from the mean. We computed dollar amount differences at the mean by multiplying b with the mean annual income, which was $10,279 in 1971, that is, the equivalent of $60,468 in 2014 (adjusted for inflation). All effects are in 2014 dollars (when b > .10, we used exp(b) and exp (−b) to compute income differences accurately). Job titles are the equivalent of TSEI2 prestige points (a scale sample can be found in Table 8).