Figure 1.
ChIP-seq analysis reveals global protein co-occupancy in Kasumi-1 cells. Tag density plots of normalized ChIP-seq data (combined biological replicates) showing AML1 and AML1-ETO occupancy at Runx1P1 promoter (A) and negative control Phox (B) loci. Tags were normalized to 107 reads. Images were taken from the UCSC Genome Browser [63]. Asterisks indicate the positions of hRunx1P1 and hPhox regions tested in ChIP-PCR studies. (C) Two-way and three-way Venn diagrams displaying co-occupancy and unique regions among AML1, AML1-ETO, N-CoR, and p300 libraries. All peaks were generated by MACS using a p < 10−20 significance cutoff. Total peak numbers are displayed in parentheses. (D) Tag density plots displaying enrichment of AML1-ETO and N-CoR at regions corresponding to known fusion protein target genes that are repressed in Kasumi-1 cells.