Fig. 5.
TF motif enrichment at the promoter regions. TF motif enrichment in promoters of genes associated with increased transcription was calculated using the HOMER tool (see Methods). a Preferential vs Shared motif P value comparison. Inverse log P values for transcription factor motifs are reported for the shared increase group (X-axis) and the BCR (blue) or LPS (orange) groups (Y-axis). b Motifs with the lowest 30 P values were taken from each group and compared via Venn Diagrams. While Shared and BCR contained 18 of the same predicted motifs, LPS overlapped neither BCR nor Shared. c Direct comparison of TF motif content in preferentially increased gene promoters. Inverse log P values with P < 0.001(−log(P) = 3) for transcription factor motifs were graphed with values for BCR on the Y-axis and LPS values on the X-axis. Blue line refers to BCR > 3.0 and orange line LPS > 3.0. Note that nearly all motifs are specific to only one of the two groups. d Summary of properties of TFs predicted to bind motifs based on the 30 motifs with the lowest P values