Figure 4.
Blockade of EAAT1 recruits extrasynaptic AMPARs that predominantly contain GluA2. (A) Representative traces of before (black) and after addition of TBOA (green). TBOA results in a small reduction of the fast component and a major enhancement of the tail current. (B) Representative traces of the EPSC in TBOA, before (green) and after (red) PhTx. (C) Group average PhTx-resistant (red) and—sensitive (blue) currents are shown normalized to total response in TBOA. The PhTx-sensitive current is only a small portion of the total current and does not preferentially contribute to the tail. (D) Group average PhTx-resistant (red) and—sensitive (blue) currents are shown normalized to their own total response in order to compare kinetics. A bi-exponential fit found no significant differences for either the relative proportions of the current or the time constants of the two currents.