Effects of DMBA on ovarian metabolism gene expression in lean and obese mice. Eighteen-wk-old lean and obese female mice were treated with sesame oil or DMBA (95%; 1mg/kg; i.p) for 14 days. Three days after dosing, ovaries were collected, trimmed of excess fat, and total ovarian RNA was isolated. Using quantitative RT-PCR, relative mRNA levels of (A) Gstm1, (B) Gstp1, and (C) Ephx1 were evaluated after normalization to the housekeeping gene, Gapdh. D) Ovarian Gstm1, Gstp1, and Ephx1 mRNA levels in 6-wk-old lean and obese mice. Values represent relative fold-change means ± SEM. Different letters indicate significant difference from respective pairs (P < 0.05; n = 3).