Figure 5.
Combinatorial treatment with SNS01-T and lenalidomide (Len) is more effective than either drug alone. (a) RPMI 8226 or (b) JVM2 xenografts were treated with control nanoparticles, SNS01-T, Len, or a combination of SNS01-T and Len at the indicated dosages. Means ± SEM are shown; asterisks indicate statistically significant differences (one-way analysis of variance, Bonferroni posttest; n = 5 per group, P value < 0.05). (c,d) Kaplan–Meier survival curves for the data obtained in a and b, respectively. Significant P values, calculated by nonparametric log-rank test comparing control nanoparticle and treatment groups, are indicated (n = 5 per group). (c) Survival was obtained for mice given two cycles of treatment with an 11-day rest period between cycles and a 2-week observation window (Obs) after the second cycle was complete. Here, the combination of SNS01-T and Len enhanced survival relative to Len treatment alone (log-rank test; n = 5 per group, P = 0.0068). (d) The SNS01-T/Len combination treatment enhanced survival relative to either Len or SNS01-T alone (log-rank test; n = 5 per group, P = 0.0066 and P = 0.0018, respectively) RPMI, Roswell Park Memorial Institute.