(A) Definition of shift in place field peak (in cm) over 2 consecutive sessions (day 1 versus day 2). (B) Place fields shifted less in KO mice compared to CT mice in CA1 (p<0.01) and CA3 (p<0.05). (C) Cross-correlation measure. Left, Raw place field firing map. Middle, In-field firing map showing all spikes judged part of place field. Right, Normalized in-field firing map scaled down in size to match size of in-field firing map of CT mice (see text and Experimental Procedures).
D. Cross-correlation for firing rate maps from 2 consecutive sessions compared using Pearson's product moment correlation (see Experimental Procedures). The place fields from KO mice had better stability across sessions compared to CT mice in both CA1 (p<0.05) and CA3 (p<0.05) regions. Data show means ±SEM.