(A) Midgut images. GFP is driven by esgts (esg-GAL4, tub-GALBOts, UAS-GFP/+). The arrows indicate the posterior (P) end of the midgut.
(B and B′) Fly images. Transgenes were induced for 6 days (B) and 12 days (B′) with esgts
(C) Ovary images. Transgenes were induced for 8 days.
(D and D′) Magnified views of the insets in (B). The dashed lines and arrows indicate the boundary of the fat body.
(E) Quantification of climbing delects (mean ± SEMs). *p ≤ 0.05, Student's t test.
(F) Downturned wing phenotype in esgts>ykisct flies.
(G) Electron microscopic images of the transverse section of indirect flight muscles. #, mitochondria; ##, empty spaces.
(G′) Images of mitochondrion. In all muscle experiments, transgenes were induced for 20 days in male flies unless otherwise indicated. The genotype of control is esg-GAL4, tub-GAL80ts, UAS-GFP/+ and ykiact is esg-GAL4, tub-GAL80ts, UAS-GFP/+; UAS-ykiact/+.