A continuum of broadly neutralizing antibody (bNAb) targets. A graphic of the HIV-1 envelope (Env) trimer is shown and surface coloured for broadly defined epitopes in V2 (red), V3 (orange), V4 (yellow), the CD4bs (green), and the gp120–gp41 interface (brown, purple, and blue for 8ANC195, 35O22, and PGT151, respectively). Overlap between these epitopes through recognition of common glycans or amino acids is indicated with mottling of the relevant colours. The highly accessible positions of hypervariable regions V1, V2, α2, V4, β 14, and V5 (coloured in cyan) are indicated with arrows. The first residue of the MPER (truncated in the HIV-1 trimer structure 4TVP) is indicated with an asterisk.