The tree shows the relationship of the M. domestica (M. domestica MDP/MDC), P. persica (P. persica ppa/ppb), P. mume (P. mume scaffold), F. vesca, and F. nipponica T2-RNase lineage genes. The tree was rooted with T2-RNase A. thaliana RNS2 (NM129536). Numbers below the branches represent posterior credibility values above 60. In grey are the reference sequences (S-RNases from Prunus, Pyreae, Solanaceae, and Plantaginaceae, and Fabaceae S-lineage genes). # indicate sequences with more than two introns; (4) the sequences that show in the putative protein sequence amino acid pattern 4, that is absent in all S-lineage genes [4,7]; the + indicate sequences that present stop codons; the {indicate sequences where gaps were introduced to avoid stop codons.