Table 1. Summary of sequence reads alignment to bovine reference genome and known miRNAs annotated in miRBase.
Group | SampleID * | Total number of QC reads | Number of mapped reads € | Mapped reads(%) | Reads Aligned to known miRNAs | Aligned to Known miRNAs £ (%) |
Dominant follicle | D1 | 1,925,662 | 599,377 | 31.1 | 345,689 | 57.7 |
D2 | 1,967,061 | 392,924 | 20.0 | 255, 260 | 65.0 | |
D3 | 3,161,472 | 997,715 | 31.6 | 428,716 | 43.0 | |
Subordinate follicle | S1 | 3,069,606 | 861,596 | 28.1 | 459,794 | 53.4 |
S2 | 2,895,393 | 939,835 | 32.5 | 520,377 | 55.4 | |
S3 | 2,922,775 | 983,688 | 33.7 | 420,913 | 42.8 |
*: D1, D2, D3 denote for biological triplicates of preovulatory dominant follicles and S1, S2, S3 denote for biological triplicates of subordinate follicles
€: Number of quality filtered reads aligned to bovine reference genome release 72.
£: Proportion of mapped sequence reads aligned to known annotated miRNAs in miRBase release 20