Analysis of expression of transcription factor, erythroid cell-related, and globin genes. (A) Expression levels (in number of FPKM), determined by RNA-seq, of downregulated erythroid cell-related genes with q values of <0.05 and GATA1 binding peaks found within 10 kb of their TSSs. CTRL, control. (B) Expression levels (in number of FPKM), determined by RNA-seq, of upregulated genes with q values of <0.05 and GATA1 binding peaks found within 10 kb of their TSSs. (C) Deregulated genes with q values of >0.05 and GATA1 binding peaks found within 10 kb of their TSSs. (D) Venn diagram of deregulated genes. Upregulated, genes upregulated in TAF10KOcEry fetal liver cells identified by RNA-seq analysis (q value, <0.05); Downregulated, genes downregulated in TAF10KOcEry fetal liver cells identified by RNA-seq analysis (q value, <0.05); Gata1, GATA1 target genes described previously (40). Half of the deregulated genes have at least one GATA1 binding peak at locations within 10 kb of their TSSs.