Figure 1. The network of ticks, vertebrates and pathogens without domesticated animals.
(a) The 13 clusters found by the modularity algorithm, represented according to the ForceAtlas2 scheme, randomly coloured, and numbered from 0 to 12 (the agglomerative algorithm include minimum values of 0). Each circle is a partner of the network, a vertebrate, tick, or pathogen (complete taxonomic information is provided in Supplementary Figure 1). The size of each circle is proportional to its NBC. Each line is a link between two nodes, and its colour is the same as that of the cluster. The width of each line is proportional to the weighted degree, a measure of the strength of the link between two nodes. (b) Values of the PR index for the ticks, pathogens, and vertebrates of the 13 clusters. (c) Values of the NBC for the ticks, pathogens, and vertebrates of the 13 clusters.