Table 5.
Meiotic genes and mating pathway genes in P. spp.
Gene in S. cerevisiae | Ortholog in P. spp. | Function in S. cerevisiae |
csm1 | + | Chromosome segregation |
csm3 | + | Chromosome segregation |
dit1 | - | Pyoverdine/dityrosine biosynthesis |
gsg1 | + | Late post-replication meotic role |
hop2 | + | Prevents synapsis between non-homologous chromosomes |
ime1 | - | Meiosis-inducing protein 1 |
ime2 | + | Kinase, stimulates meiotic gene expression |
isc10 | - | Sporulation |
mck1 | + | Kinase required for ime1 expression |
mek1 | + | A protein kinase that displays genetic interactions with RED1 and HOP1 |
mnd1 | + | Recombination and meiotic nuclear division |
msh4 | + | Required for cross-over during meiosis |
msh5 | + | MutS homolog, facilitates meiotic reciprocal recombination between homologs |
mum2 | - | Required for premeiotic DNA synthesis and sporulation |
mum3 | - | Required for premeiotic DNA synthesis and sporulation |
rad1 | + | DNA repair protein |
rad17 | + | DNA replication and repair |
rec12 | - | Meiosis induction |
red1 | - | Gene required for meiosis I |
rim4 | - | Activation of sporulation-specific genes |
smk1 | + | Sporulation specific MAP-kinase |
spo1 | + | Spindle body duplication |
spo11 | + | Meiosis initiation by formation of double-strand breaks in DNA |
spo14 | + | Commitment to meiosis |
spo22 | - | Chromosome segregation |
spo75 | + | Required for spore and ascus formation |
ume6 | - | Regulator of early meiotic gene expression, DNA binding protein |
zip1 | - | Meiotic chromosome synapse |
zip2 | - | Meiotic synaptoname complex |
zip3 | - | Meiotic synaptoname complex |
zip4 | - | Meiotic synaptoname complex |
akr1 | + | Required for endocytosis of pheromone receptors |
cdc24 | + | Required for polarity establishment and maintenance; mutants have morphological defects in bud formation and shmooing |
cdc42 | + | Essential for establishment and maintenance of cell polarity |
far1 | + | Inhibitor of Cdc28-Cln complex |
fus3 | + | Activates Ste12 and Far1 |
lsg1 | + | Required for mating and sporulation |
opy2 | + | Overproduction blocks cell cycle arrest in the presence of mating pheromone |
pea2 | - | Required for phermone-induced pointed projection formation |
sgv1 | + | Pheromone adaptation |
spa2 | + | Pheromone-induced morphogenesis and efficient mating. |
ste2 | + | Pheromone mating factor |
ste3 | + | Pheromone A receptor |
ste4 | + | Pheromone signal transduction |
ste6 | + | ABC-type multidrug transport system |
ste7 | + | Pheromone signal transduction |
ste11 | + | Ser/Thr protein kinase; pheromone signal transduction |
ste12 | + | Activates genes involved in mating or pseudohyphal/invasive growth pathways |
ste13 | + | Peptidase,mating factor processing |
ste18 | + | Signal transduction via G-protein-coupled receptors |
ste20 | + | Activates transcription of FUS1 in the absence of mating pheromone |
ste50 | + | Essential for activation of conjugation |