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. 2015 Apr 29;14:185. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0694-3

Table 3.

Treatment outcome: studies conducted in non endemic countries with >10 patients and follow up data available

Study Country N patients Treatment Duration Follow up Outcome
Van den Ende et al. 2000 [42] Belgium 39 Caucasians, 17 fully responding to Fakunle criteria Single, short term treat for Pf malaria (various regimens) 1 day to 1 week according to drug ≥2 wks (average 6 wks) All not re-exposed improved or fully recovered
Eseme et al. 2004 [43] Italy 49 Caucasians (29 fully responding to Fakunle criteria) plus 8 Africans (different countries) Single, short term treatment for falciparum malaria (various regimens) 1- 4 days according to drug 6-36 mths All not re-exposed improved or fully recovered
Puente et al. 2001 [83] Spain 14 Africans (13 from E. Guinea, 1 from Cameroon) Quinine standard dose for 1 wk then CLQ 3- 9 mths (mean = 4.3 mths) 3 - 9 mths (mean = 4.3 mths) All not re-exposed improved or fully recovered