Bathymetry |
Provides a measure of depth for the entire study area. |
ENVI 4.7 |
Bathymetric Position Index |
BPI is a measure of a defined elevation at a special location relative to the overall landscape, and involves the difference of height at a focal point compared to the mean elevation of surrounding cells. Locations with higher elevation have positive values, while lower elevations have negative values. Values near zero represent flat regions [38]. |
ArcGIS extension benthic terrain modeler (BTM version 1.0) [39] |
Complexity |
Second derivative of the slope surface indicating the rate of change in slope values. This parameter encompasses the three-dimensional arrangement of structural elements over a seafloor surface [29]. |
ENVI 4.7 |
Rugosity |
The rugosity is topographic roughness with the ratio of the surface area to planar area across the neighbourhood of the central pixel. |
ArcGIS extension benthic terrain modeler (BTM version 1.0) |
Vector Ruggedness Measure |
VRM is terrain ruggedness indicating the variation in three-dimensional orientation of grid cells within a neighbourhood. |
ArcGIS extension benthic terrain modeler (BTM version 1.0) |