Figure 5.
RT-PCR expression analysis of rat sciatic nerve and DRG RNA. Total RNA was isolated from adult rat tissues, duplicate samples were subjected to RT-PCR with the indicated primers and polymerases, and the reaction products were separated by gel electrophoresis. A ≈200 bp band, corresponding to the predicted size of the Kv7.5 mRNA sequence, was detected in both the DRG and the sciatic nerve RNA samples. When PCR polymerase is used instead of RT-PCR polymerase, the Kv7.5 primers did not amplify a similarly sized product from the RNA samples, indicating that they were not contaminated by genomic DNA. An ≈370 bp band, corresponding to the predicted size of MAG mRNA, was present in both RNA samples. Molecular markers are located in the first and last lanes (in 100 bps).