Fig. 4. A case of tailored mammaplasty.
(A) A preoperative picture of a 46-year-old left-breast cancer patient, for whom left nipple-sparing mastectomy, one-stage immediate reconstruction, and contralateral tailored reduction/augmentation mammaplasty were planned. Ptosis grade 2. (B) Two-month postoperative picture after left nipple-sparing mastectomy through a radial lazy S incision (mastectomy specimen 450 g) and implant reconstruction with an Allergan Natrelle (Allergan Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) 410LX 570 mL implant and contralateral tailored reduction/augmentation mammaplasty with a J-scar pattern; dual-plane augmentation with an Allergan Natrelle 410ML 220 g implant; inferior pole, base, and superolateral quadrant tailored reduction (total specimen weight of 120 g); and circumareolar skin resection with interlocking suture.