Table 1. Demographic and Cognitive Variable Means, Standard Deviations, and Minimum to Maximum scores (shown in parentheses) by Total Sample and Group.
Total | PD | Controls | |
Age (years) | 67.99±5.03 (60-79) | 67.80±5.44 (60-79) | 68.18±4.64 (62-79) |
Sex (n) | M=65, F=15 | M=32, F=8 | M=33, F=7 |
Education (years) | 16.51±2.70 (10-22) | 16.28±3.03 (10-22) | 16.75±2.35 (12-20) |
UPDRS Part III* | 10.16± 0.87 (0-46) | 17.58±10.74 (3-46) | 2.75±3.36 (0-15) |
DRS-2 total raw | 139.81±2.84 (131-144) | 139.43±3.13 (131-144) | 140.20±2.49 (133-144) |
DRS-2 z-score | 0.18±0.73 (−1.00-1.67) | 0.16±0.82 (−1.00-1.67) | 0.20±0.64 (−0.67-1.67) |
PS Index Score* | 105.99±12.55 (79-137) | 99.44±10.43 (79-122) | 112.38±11.16 (93-137) |
TMT B raw time* | 86.84±38.78 (31-218) | 103.54±44.02 (46-218) | 70.14±23.18 (31-134) |
TMT B z-score* | −0.03±1.03 (−1.9-2.5) | −0.48±0.94 (−1.9-1.4) | 0.42±0.93 (−1.6-2.5) |
BNT raw | 57.18±2.84 (44-60) | 56.80±3.34 (44-60) | 57.55±2.21 (52-60) |
BNT z-score | 0.71±0.98 (−1.3-2.6) | 0.65±0.97 (−1.2-2.3) | 0.77±1.00 (−1.3-2.6) |
Vocab raw | 67.21±6.58 (47-77) | 66.40±7.56 (47-77) | 68.03±5.39 (55-77) |
Vocab z-score | 1.08±0.62 (−0.6-2.1) | 1.00±0.70 (−0.6-2.1) | 1.16±0.53 (−0.1-2.10) |
Sample size was PD (n=40), control (n=40) unless indicated otherwise. Abbreviations: DRS-2: Dementia Rating Scale-2; UPDRS Part III: Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, motor portion (part 3); PS Index: Processing Speed Index standardized score - note PD n=39 (due to stopwatch error); TMT B raw = Trail Making Text Part B raw time in seconds to completion; TMT B z-score = Trail Making Test Part B standardized z-score; BNT raw: Boston Naming Test raw score; BNT z-score: Boston Naming Text z-score; Vocab raw= WASI Vocabulary subtest raw score; Vocab z-score= WASI Vocabulary subtest z-score;
PD < Controls: p <.001