Figure 3.
Histology indicates region- and time-specific differences in matrix disruption and remodeling within AAAs. Panel A shows sections 5 μm thick stained with Movat’s Pentachrome, which renders elastic matrix black to dark brown, collagen yellow, and GAGs green. Panel B shows results of Masson’s Trichrome staining of 5 μm thick sections, wherein collagen appears blue and muscle cells/fibers red. In general, staining outcomes suggest that disruption of medial elastin is limited and delayed in the proximal AAA regions versus the mid- and distal- sites (i.e., <14 d vs. <7 days respectively), and early and substantial neo-intimal remodeling occurs in the mid- and distal AAA regions which continues through day 21. Magnification: 20×. Scale bar is 50 μm. (Abbreviations used in the figure are: A for adventitia, M for media, NI for neointima)