A-D: Abnormalities of autopods in Sufu
Dermo1Cre. E-T: Skeletal preparations of Alcian blue/Alizarin Red staining show the alteration of digit number and identity. Note the varying abnormalities in the fore- and hind limbs. Split of the anterior-most digit occurred in forelimb of the Sufu mutant (F, J versus E, I and arrowheads). Mutant hind limb developed 7 digits with complete loss of identity (H, L versus G, K). Phalangeal numbers distal to the metatarsals/metacarpals are not distinguishable in mutants (J, L versus I, K in wild type). Both fore- and hind limbs developed supernumerary bone elements in the wrist and the ankle of the mutant (N, P versus M, O in wild type). Note that the forelimb developed thicker radius (R versus Q), while the hind limb contained splitting of both the fibula and tibia (T versus S).