Figure 1.
Identifying sections containing Area 3b cortex and Cuneate nucleus of the brainstem. A: Cartoon of the squirrel monkey brain identifying area 3b of the somatosensory cortex and cuneate nucleus of the brainstem, CD; central dimple. B: Cartoon of a coronal section of area 3b of the somatosensory cortex. B′: Photomicrograph of area 3b hand region. Contours indicate the regions of interest for IHC quantification. CD; central dimple; scale bar 250 μm. C: Cartoon of a coronal section of the pars rotunda of the brainstem. CN; cuneate nucleus, GN; Gracile Nucleus, SpNV: spinal nucleus. C′: Photomicrograph of the cuneate nucleus hand representation. Contours indicate the hand representation divided into its peripheral inputs. ROI; region of interest; scale bar 25 μm.