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. 2013 Aug;42(8):819–825.

Table 4:

Univariate logistic regression to determine statistically significant predictors of pain

Variables Odd’s Ratio 95%CI P-value
Nursing 1 0.96
MBBS 0.97 0.41–2.3
Upto 20 1 0.535
21–25 1.6 0.57–4.8
26 and more 2.1 0.51–8.68
BMI (kg/m2) 0.483
Upto 24.9 1
25 and above 0.483 0.24–1.95
Female 1
Male 0.72 0.3–1.72 0.465
None 1
Ex-smoker/Current Smoker 0.27 0.37–2 0.001
H/o Trauma
No 1 0.512
Yes 0.58 0.116–2.9
Computer use
Desktop 1
Laptop 2.7 0.99–7.9 0.077
Both 1.05 0.3–3.6
Upto 4 1
5 and above 1.07 0.44–2.6 0.87
IPAQ score
Severe 1
Moderate o.65 0.23–1.8 0.681
Mild 0.94 0.32–2.7