Table 4.
Study 3 (N=28; 32 trials)
Pediatric Healthy Volunteers |
| |||
Bias measure | ICC (single measure) |
ICC/alpha (average of all measures) |
P |
| |||
% of trials with initial fixation on fear face | .33 | .71 | <.001 |
Time spent fixating on fear vs. neutral faces (across full trial) | .32 | .70 | <.001 |
Mean duration of individual fixations on fear vs. neutral faces | .08 | .31 | .10 |
Disengage latency to fear vs. neutral faces (based on trials where dot appeared in opposite location from subject’s current fixation) |
.14 | .44 | .02 |
Note: ICC=Intraclass Correlation Coefficient. p values are provided for the F-test of the hypothesis that ICC >0; values with p<.05 are shown in bold.